Main page 1. Network scanning 2. Knowledge gathering 3. Advice Database browsing
0IPv6 configuration of network interfaces and domain name resolution under RedHat Linux
1IPv6 configuration of network interfaces and domain name resolution under Debian Linux
2The installation and configuration of Postfix server on Linux
3The installation and configuration of Dovecot on Linux
4The installation and configuration of Apache HTTP Server on Debian Linux
5The installation and configuration of Sendmail on Linux
6IPv6 support in Linux
7The IPv6 routing configuration in RedHat Linux system
8The Instalation and configuration of Apache HTTP Server under RedHat Linux
9Instalation and configuration Postfix on Suse


The installation and configuration of Dovecot on Linux systems

The installation from source code

The installation from a repository

The configuration of Dovecot for IPv6 support

To install Dovecot from source code - download it from the official vendor site: . 

Next log into the superuser.

Unpack the downloaded content using a command:
tar xzf name_of_dowloaded_dovecot.tar.gz
Next go to directory of where Postfix is unpacked. Enter the command:
Then use a command:
make install

The installation from a repository:

To install dovecot from a repository, type as a superuser in the command line:
- for debian-like systems:
apt-get install dovecot-common
- for redhat-like systems:
yum install dovecot-common
- for suse systems:
zypper install dovecot-common

To enable the IPv6 support, edit dovecot file (usually in /etc/dovecot).

Find the line with "listen". The default value is * (asterisk) like below:


To enable listening on IPv6 adressen, after the "listen" definition add specific IPv6 addresses in square brackets e.g."listen = *, [2001:db8::15]" . If dovcot should listen on every address on ports 110 and 143 (:::110 i :::143) add "[::]" after a comma as below:


After restart of Dovecot, check if it listens on specific ports and addresses (110 - POP3, 143 - IMAP)
netstat -ano | grep :110
netstat -ano | grep :143




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