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0IPv6 configuration of network interfaces and domain name resolution under RedHat Linux
1IPv6 configuration of network interfaces and domain name resolution under Debian Linux
2The installation and configuration of Postfix server on Linux
3The installation and configuration of Dovecot on Linux
4The installation and configuration of Apache HTTP Server on Debian Linux
5The installation and configuration of Sendmail on Linux
6IPv6 support in Linux
7The IPv6 routing configuration in RedHat Linux system
8The Instalation and configuration of Apache HTTP Server under RedHat Linux
9Instalation and configuration Postfix on Suse


The Postfix server supports IPv6 from verison 2.2. By default IPv6 is disabled.

Checking the version of Postfix server

The installation from source code
The installation fromt a repository
The verification if Postfix server is started

The inet_protocols configuration

The inet_interfaces configuration

To check the version of Postfix server, there is a need to go to Terminal and use a following command:
 "postconf mail_version"
For Postfix server installation from source code - download it from the official vendor site: .

To install Postfix from source code there are required:





Open Terminal and log into superuser. To install above packages type into the command line:
- for debian-like systems:
apt-get install perl gcc db*-dovel libdb4.7-dev
- for redhat-like systems:
yum install perl gcc db*-dovel libdb4.7-dev
- for suse systems:
zypper install perl gcc db*-dovel libdb4.7-dev

After the installation of packages and dowloading the source code from the vendor's site, go to the directory where Postfix is dowloaded.
Unpack the dowloaded content using:
tar xzf name_of_dowloaded_postfix.tar.gz
Next go to directory of where Postfix is unpacked. Enter the command:
Afterwards create a new user and group by typing:
groupadd name_of_the_group
useradd name_of_the_user
For exemple: groupname - postdrop and username - postfix.
Then use a command:
make install
For every single question press "Enter". When there is a question about mail_owner or setgid_group - type used username and name of the group.

The installation from a repository
To install Postfix server from a repository, type as a superuser in the command line:
- for debian-like systems:
apt-get install postfix
- for redhat-like systems:
yum install postfix
- for suse systems:
zypper install postfix

To check if Postfix server is started, use in the command line:
postfix status
If Postfix is started, there will be information aboud PID like bellow:


Find the line witch "inet_protocols". The default value is "ipv4" (as below):

Depending on wheter the server should run on both protocols or only on IPv6, change the value of "inet_protocols" to "all" (Dual Stack case) or "ipv6 (Native IPv6 case).


Check the value of "inet_interfaces":

If the value is different then "all", add an address where Postfix server should listen to (e.g. "2001:db8::45). The value "all" means Postfix server listens to :::25 for IPv6 and for IPv4.

Restart the Postfix server. To verify the configuration use a command:
netstat -ano | grep :25

It will display if and on what adresses Postfix is listening (assuming 25 port is the port for Postfix server). The result should look like this:

Now Postfix server is running with IPv6.


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