Main page 1. Network scanning 2. Knowledge gathering 3. Advice Database browsing
10The installation and configuration of Nginx server on Debian Linux
11IPv6 configuration of network interfaces and domain name resolution under Suse Linux
12The installation and configuration of Nginx server on RedHat Linux
13The installation and configuration of Lighttpd server on Debian Linux
14The installation and configuration of vsftpd FTP Server under Debian Linux
15The installation and configuration of email client on Redhat Linux
16The installation and configuration of Lighttpd server on RedHat Linux
17The installation and configuration of vsftpd FTP Server under RedHat Linux
18The installation and configuration of proftpd FTP Server under RedHat Linux
19The installation and configuration of proftpd FTP Server under Debian Linux


The installation and configuration of vsftpd FTP Server under RedHat Linux

The vsftpd server verification
The vsftpd server installation
The vsftpd server configuration

The vsftpd server verification

First of all it is necessary to check if proftpd server is installed and if has IPv6 support.. The best way is to use a specific command from the super user mode:

vsftpd -v

As a resault there should be an application version. If version is above 1.1.3, it means that installed vsftpd has the IPv6 support. If this command returns an answer about not finding such command, install the proftpd server.

The vsftpd server installation

Enter from command line of the super user:

yum install vsftpd

The vsftpd server configuration

The main configuration is located in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf by default.

<here should be screenshots from the knowledge contained in "In migration to IPv6 context it is necessary to remember">

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