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10The installation and configuration of Nginx server on Debian Linux
11IPv6 configuration of network interfaces and domain name resolution under Suse Linux
12The installation and configuration of Nginx server on RedHat Linux
13The installation and configuration of Lighttpd server on Debian Linux
14The installation and configuration of vsftpd FTP Server under Debian Linux
15The installation and configuration of email client on Redhat Linux
16The installation and configuration of Lighttpd server on RedHat Linux
17The installation and configuration of vsftpd FTP Server under RedHat Linux
18The installation and configuration of proftpd FTP Server under RedHat Linux
19The installation and configuration of proftpd FTP Server under Debian Linux


The installation and configuration of proftpd FTP Server under Debian Linux


The proftpd server verification

The proftpd server installation

The proftpd server configuration


ProFTPD (Proffesional FTP Daemon) is one of the most popular implementation of FTP (File Transfer Protocol) server for many unix platforms such as: Linux, Solaris and FreeBSD. It is used by FTP servers of many projects and institutions such as SourceForge, or CI TASK. As the name suggests, the destination of this application is to exchange (transfer) of files between a server and a client. The source code of the ProFTPD is open.

The proftpd server verification

The best way is to use a specific command from the super user mode:

proftpd -V

As a resault there should be an application version. If this command returns an answer about not finding such command, install the proftpd server.

The proftpd server installation

Enter from command line of the super user:

aptitude install proftpd

The proftpd server configuration

Here is a list of steps you must take to migrate proftpd application from IPv4 to IPv6.

  1. Verification if installed proftpd server supports IPv6.

To check if the current proftpd server installation support, type in the command line:

proftpd -V


In the "configure" section there shoud be an "--enable-ipv6" option. In the "Features" section there should be found "+ IPv6 support". When such options are not present, there is a need of reinstalling the application (the best way is installing from repositories, because the installation from the system repositories includes parameter "--enable-ipv6" by default).

In addition, as a result returned by the command above, you can also find out where is the main configuration file named proftpd.conf (see "Configuration File" field). The default Debian configuration is in /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf for an application installation from the repository. However, virtual hosts configuration ("VirtualHost") is placed in /etc/proftpd/virtuals.conf by default.


    By default, there is the definition of "UseIPv6 on" in the proftpd.conf. If "UseIPv6 off" entry occurs, you should change it. If there is no entry "UseIPv6", configuration assumes "UseIPv6 on" as default.


  2. In the case of configuration of virtual servers in order to declare the addresses on which the such servers shuld be listening, use the following definition:

<VirtualHost ip_address>

  1. When migrating into Native IPv6 mode, "ip_address" should be replaced with an specific IPv6 address, while in the case of Dual Stack migration mode an IPv4 and IPv6 addresses should occur in VirtualHost definition e.g.:

<VirtualHost ipv4_address ipv6_address> 

  1. There might be useful "SocketBindTight on" statement. It causes listening only on defined IP addresses and not on all found in the system. In the case of Native IPv6 migration, this declaration together with the definitions of "VirtualHost" or "DefaultAddress" results with listening only on IPv6 addresses.
  1. The proftpd application restart.

After changing the configuration, there must be a restart of proftpd application:

service proftpd restart

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